The mission of the Wayne County Community College District’s Faculty is to empower a distinguished group of selected faculty to work with the Chancellor and members of the Senior Executive Team, as the primary forum for providing leadership in engaging both faculty and students in designing improvement projects that shape the future of teaching, learning and encourages entrepreneurship at all levels of the district.
Vision Statement:
The Faculty will facilitate projects as a platform for faculty and staff dialogue, collaboration and problem-solving in support of activities associated with the District and launch of the next phase of institutional transformation of the Pathways to the Future III at the district.
Value Outcomes:
Develop and present innovative ideas, related to priority initiatives, which lead to (1) increasing student success and completion; (2) advancing instructional innovation; (3) strengthening effective teaching and learning; (4) integrating the use of technologies; (5) the design of faculty-led activities to support District efforts. Many faculty project outcomes supported by scalable compensation awards by term.