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Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How do I receive an E-mail account?
A. All student accounts are automatically generated when registration is complete. Accounts are created on a semester basis and should be available on WebGate 24 hours after registration process is completed.

Q. What is my Username? and Password?
A. Your email address will be your username@mail.wcccd.edu. This username was given to you upon Registration for Academic Courses. To view your Username, log onto WebGate.

Your password will initially be your WebGate student pin number: Note: If this is your first time logging into WebGate, your password or pin number is your birth date in six digits (mmddyy).
If this method does not give you the correct address, i.e., does not work with your WebGate pin number as password, please contact WCCCD IT Help Desk at (313) 496-2666.

Q. How do I change my password?
A. If you want to change your email password, you must first change your WebGate pin number (please note: PIN must contain only digits and must be between 6 and 15 digits. Your new email password will take effect in 1 hour.

Q. What is the recommended web browser to use with my new WCCCD email?
A. Internet Explorer 7.0 or higher is recommended.  However all other major browsers are supported.

Q. What is the storage limit of my account?
A. Each student account has a limit of 7.5GB.

Q. How long will my Sent Mail Folder be available?
A. Your Sent Mail Folder will be available as long as your account is active for six consecutive semesters. It is recommended to empty your Deleted Mail Folder every once in a while to keep from reaching your storage limit.

Q. How long will my Deleted Mail Folder be available?
A. Your Deleted Mail Folder will be available until you reach your limit of 7.5GB. It is recommended to empty your Deleted Mail Folder every once in a while to keep from reaching your storage limit.

Q. Why am I not receiving certain attachments with my E-mail?
A. Certain attachments are blocked by the server due to virus concerns. However, these files can be zipped then sent or received. Extensions blocked are .exe, .com, .vbs, .scr and others.

Q. What are the guidelines for using a computer account at Wayne County Community College District?
A. All students are responsible for following the Computer Usage Guidelines at Acceptable Use Policy.

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